Oregon State University Extension Service

Program Support (2014)

Robert Peckyno, College of Liberal Arts

His colleagues feel Bob Peckyno has done more than anyone to transform the way the university and the entire world view the School of History, Philosophy and Religion. He is a whirlwind of activity – whether he is videotaping a speaker, planning an event, making reservations for guest speakers or designing posters to advertise an event.

In addition to all of these activities, Bob also maintains the school’s website and produces all publicity materials for the various activities planned administrators, students and faculty. He helps organize 60-80 events a year, making sure everything runs smoothly and that there are no conflicts.

But what is truly amazing is how Bob accomplishes all of this with good humor and cheerfulness. He is utterly dependable, but also extremely creative and efficient. He never turns down a job and enjoys challenges.

Source URL: https://engagement.oregonstate.edu/program-support-2014

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