Become an LDPE Mentor

Each participant in the Leadership Development Program for Executives will be matched up with a mentor based on their identified areas for growth and development. This experience will range from 10-20% of the participant’s time for a period not to exceed three months (preferably between Jan. and May). The exact scope and sequence of the assignment will be negotiated with the mentor and endorsed by the immediate supervisor.

Mentors may be within the division but may also come from across the university and from other institutions.

Individuals selected to serve as mentors must:

  • Serve in a leadership role that develops and advances an organizational vision
  • Exhibit a mission-driven orientation and a commitment to serving others
  • Demonstrate leadership competence and a tolerance for ambiguity
  • Manage people with care, compassion, and competence while following University policies and meeting unit goals and objectives
  • Communicate in a positive, two-way manner that advances unit goals and objectives
  • Exhibit time management skills leading to efficiencies and impact
  • Lead strategic efforts to diversify resources in support of unit goals and objectives
  • Be politically savvy, managing relationships internal and external to the University

Mentors who are selected will commit to working with their mentee on a leadership project/activity that incorporates the following leadership skills:

  • Work with a widely diverse group of people to achieve common goals or outcomes
  • Facilitate working relationships within a team(s) or build a collaborative, sustainable team. May be either volunteer or employee teams.
  • Facilitate the identification of and response to stakeholder needs in order to provide direction and priorities of the unit
  • Manage faculty or staff (or processes supporting faculty and staff) while following University policies and meeting unit goals and objectives
  • Integrate and network with other organizations and/or units to form mutually beneficial partnerships
  • Manage relationships internal and/or external to the University
  • Lead strategic efforts to diversify and/or manage resources (fiscal or human) in support of unit goals and objectives
  • Communicate in a positive, two-way manner that advances unit goals and objectives

Please contact Amanda Bielenberg-Hayes to inquire about becoming a mentor!